Researchers estimate that Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) influence 80 to 90 percent of patient outcomes. As the healthcare industry learns to better navigate and address social factors, health plans that take SDOH into account in developing value-based payment (VBP) contractsacross all lines of businessand manage their impact within contract parameters will be ahead of the game.

In this webinar, Joseph Conte, PhD, head of the newly forming Staten Island Health Plan and Executive Director of the Staten Island Performing Provider System, and Raj Lakhanpal, MD, CEO of SpectraMedix, will discuss how health plans can merge SDOH into VBP contracts and interventions, including:

  • Understanding how SDOH issues correlate directly with utilization
  • Managing and adjusting PMPM according to SDOH factors and incorporating this into VBP contracts
  • Working with providers to identify, evaluate, prioritize, and pull the SDOH “value levers” that impact utilization, cost, and quality
  • The need to regularly survey members on SDOH issues to have a pulse on what is happening and going to happen
  • Incorporating SDOH into risk-adjustment
  • Engaging and contracting with CBOs and other non-medical entities
  • Incorporating SDOH into a 360 global care plan

Meet the Presenters

Joe Conte - Round

Joseph Conte, PhD

Executive Director, Staten Island Performing Provider System

Raj Lakhanpal - Round

Raj Lakhanpal, MD, FRCS, FACEP

Founder and CEO, SpectraMedix
Member, MITA Governance Board