Scalable. Integrated. Secure. HIPAA compliant. 400+ measures. It's the foundation for all SpectraMedix performance analytics solutions.

Architected Specifically for Healthcare.

The SpectraMedix Platform is the cornerstone of all applications and solutions. It's built to shine in the data-intensive, high availability, secure world of risk-centric, value-based healthcare performance analytics and population health management. The pillars of the SpectraMedix Platform are:

Microsoft Azure
Hosted Environment

The SpectraMedix Platform is deployed and hosted within a USA-based Azure data center. This is a highly secure hosting environment which boasts world-class scalability, extensibility, and high availability.


Master Data Management 

Master Data Management (MDM) delivers a consistent point of reference for various data used across multiple systems. Identity data and reference are regularly updated and maintained in the MDM reference database. The MDM reference database also maintains FHIR terminologies and value sets required for performance measurement calculation.

Enterprise Master
Patient Index 

Working in concert with MDM, the SpectraMedix EMPI is a data structure that uses proprietary deterministic and probabilistic matching algorithms to ensure accurate medical data from across disparate organizations and data sources are aligned and used across SpectraMedix applications.

FHIR Interoperability

The Spectramedix Platform includes an Interface Engine that connects to EHR Systems, HL7 Interfaces, HIEs, and FHIR based interfaces. FHIR based interfaces connect via proprietary APIs across many different data formats such as json, xml, x12. It supports multiple protocols like https, FTPS, SFTP, WebServices (SOAP & REST). The interface engine provides a web-based dashboard with message logging, data encryption, and auditing capabilities.


Configuration & Administration

The Spectramedix Platform uses a configuration-based approach for all applications. This reduces deployment time and increases system reliability. User Management, measure and care gap interventions, and program or measure configuration are just a few of the key features. Also included is an administration and management framework which provides IT Administrators with a single viewpoint concerning various processes, interfaces, and jobs. This functionality promotes application stability and quality.

Measures Library
and Authoring

SpectraMedix has an extensive library of prebuilt quality, processes and outcomes measures. Our HEDIS measures are certified by NCQA and our electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) module has received Certified Electronic Health Record Technology status from ONC. We also provide a measure authoring tool for rapid configuration of custom measures.

Identity and Access Management

This centralized operation manages digitial identities across SpectraMedix applications. Functions include user attribution, role definition, and resources and entitlement determination. Identity provisioning and deprovisioning, compliance, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), Single Sign-On (SSO), auditing and reporting, self-service administration, notifications and password management are just come of the critical functions provided.

AI and Machine Learning

SpectraMedix artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning go beyond traditional rules-based or statistical modeling, allowing arbitrarily complex relationships to be detected and used to make accurate predictions. AI enables providers to better implement timely interventions that optimize care, cost, and patient outcomes.


Natural Language Processing (NLP)

SpectraMedix uses NLP to extract information from unstructured text, which today accounts for more than half of healthcare data. This data is used to address issues around incomplete, dirty or missing data by mining data from sources such as notes within EHRs, and is subsequently used to improve care. This type of processing is of particular importance as Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) information is used to provide improved patient care.

Attribution Modeling

Patient attribution  is a key operation in the VBP world. The SpectraMedix Platform provides retrospective and prospective attribution models. These are used in payer/ACO/provider arrangements and address the provider risk pool, medical loss ratios, shared savings and losses, and funds or penalty allocation.

Data Governance

SpectraMedix has brought together key stakeholders to catalogue and build an inventory of data stores and key data elements relevant to our value-based care solutions. We utilize data standards, data definitions and well-designed workflows to validate and ensure consistency of the data across the enterprise.

Big Data 

The SpectraMedix Platform uses a big data architecture to manage high volumes of structured and unstructured data across a sea of previously disparate healthcare and complementary data system sources. Data from disparate sources are organized in data lakes and used for advanced analytics and insight across SpectraMedix applications.

One Size Does Not Fit All

The Spectramedix Platform Architecture

Platfrom Diagram2-compressed

The SpectraMedix Platform delivers an end-to-end, enterprise-grade framework for your applications. This gives you and your teams the confidence that Protected Health Information (PHI) stays safe. It also ensures fast, easy access to the data you need to improve care quality and outcomes while optimizing the cost of that care. 

Find out more about The SpectraMedix Platform TODAY.

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