Ensure provider success in value-based care with the tools they need to improve care and performance.



The Most Concise View of Value-Based Payment Provider Performance

Facilitating the adoption and recognition of value-based contracts by providers poses a significant hurdle for healthcare organizations. The SpectraMedix VPB Provider Collaboration Portal meets these challenges by empowering providers to quickly understand and realize the cost and quality benefits of value-based care.

The platform enables providers to track the performance of quality measures within the terms of the arrangement, optimize risk adjustment, summarize costs incurred, and analyze quality, cost, utilization, and risk data in relation to one another.

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Deliver your providers the key performance indicators that impact value-based contract performance and enable them to effectively improve care and maximize incentives.

Risk Score

See the risk score of the total attributed population, along with the variance in score compared to the last data refresh.

Total Quality Score 

View quality scores with the ability to drill down into detailed chase lists to identify at-risk patients.

Annual Wellness Visits Compliance Rate

Access the percentage of patients who have undergone annual wellness visits. Track gaps in visits to close chronic condition revalidation gaps. Drill down to the list of patients who haven’t had a wellness visit.

Cost and Utilization

Analyze risk-adjusted costs including average total cost and PMPM costs compared to cohort benchmarks. See inpatient, ED, and outpatient visits per 1000 along with the readmission rate.

Total Cost Distribution

Category-wide distribution of the treatment cost and cohort performance for each category.

Super Utilizers 

View the number of patients who frequently incur visits to the IP or ED as well as a detailed list of super utilizers.

Chronic Conditions Revalidation Rate 

View the percentage of patients who had their chronic conditions revalidated and ensure members are appropriately revalidated in a timely manner during the performance year to capture full incentives.

The SpectraMedix VBP Provider Collaboration Portal

VBP PP 2-1

The SpectraMedix VBP Provider Collaboration Portal delivers an intuitive interface for providers to access timely and actionable insights.

Download the VBP Provider Collaboration Portal Solution Brief

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